Deborah Mangan

Artist Statement

I have developed my arts practice over the past thirty years selling privately and by commission. A natural ability to create, paint and draw from a young age has developed and expanded with age and education, allowing me to extend my talents in many visual art areas (painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture). My art work is realistic with the source images of paintings coming mainly from my photographs of environments through which I have traveled. The use of realism combined with abstract thought, unites with my set of skills allowing me to create unusual and unique artwork.
While the subject matter of my works includes landscapes, flora and fauna they also reflect my interest in depicting the energy and vibrancy of the parts that create the whole. I endeavour to manipulate the interplay of light, colour and pattern to create an almost three dimensional affect. This is why the three most important elements found within my painting, drawing and printing works are vibrancy of colour, pattern and composition. Many works are an expression of the beauty of nature, the brilliance of colour found within the Australian environment and the transmission of action conveyed through pattern and texture. They reflect a feeling of calmness and restrained movement while suggesting to the viewer, the chance of transformation and action.

Education: Diploma of Arts (Visual Arts with distinction) – 1985 (Darling Downs Institute of Adv. Education / University of Southern Queensland)
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Visual Arts with distinction) – 2009 (Queensland University of Technology)
Mob: 0434415747

